Keep Your Heart Open to Gratitude

 One never knows where the heart will lead, if only we are still long enough to listen to its beat. – Victoria Volk

keep your heart open
Yesterday, I had stopped in at one of my favorite local stores while running errands. What I love about it is the greeting I receive when I walk in (as if I’m an old friend), the atmosphere (pretty things and my taste in decor), and the owner and her employees as people (they’re genuinely good people). I also know that every time I visit, I will find something I love.

Yesterday was no different. Although this time, the conversation with the owner had me thinking long after I walked out. And still, at this moment, as I sat down to write. There are just some people you can go deep with, in an instant, and they don’t get all squeamish or look at you weird. I feel like this special lady gets me and I think I get her.

This day, I had come across something new in her store. This was different. It sparked my interest and curiosity. So, the store owner preceded to share the story of how she found this item and what it meant to her and why she wanted to share it with her community. It was a lovely story and I shared with her how I didn’t believe in coincidences. She doesn’t either.

An Attitude of Gratitude

What is it? A gratitude penny jar. It’s an entire business line that stemmed from one woman’s heartache.  Here is her story on her TEDx Talk.

Pennies from Heaven
was the poem read towards the end. 

gratitude penny jar

That poem is the same poem this store owner had received from a caring friend after the death of her son. Years later, these two women would be connected in a way that gave this store owner goosebumps as she recalled how they met. Because, seven years ago, had you told this woman that she would own a store, named in memoriam of her son, she wouldn’t have believed you. And had you told her that they would be expanding after only a few years to a second location, she wouldn’t have believed you.

There is a crack in everything. That’s how light gets in. – Leonard Cohen

I believe the one the thing that separates both of these women from others who may have experienced a great loss is they both had an open heart. They opened themselves up to love – giving and receiving it; at the same time, being open to wherever God may lead them and trying to find meaning to their loss.  Now they both share their light with products that share a message of faith, hope, and love.

Maybe we can look to these business owners as messengers of hope. To all those who’ve loved and lost and who are struggling to find their own light…and faith.
written with love by victoria

About Victoria

Hi there! I'm Victoria: wife & mother of three with one pooch living in rural ND. I am a professional photographer turned writer, published author, and side-hustle entrepreneur. I firmly believe everything is "figureoutable," and if it doesn't challenge you - it doesn't change you.

2 thoughts on “Keep Your Heart Open to Gratitude

    1. Hi Charles! Absolutely – you’re welcome! What a nice surprise, too. Honored to have you as a visitor to my blog. Blessings to you!

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