Helping vs Enabling

Helping vs. Enabling

helping vs enabling

There’s a lot of chatter these days in the arena of personal growth. It seems many have experienced some form of unraveling in their lives the past several years. And perhaps, are now feeling their back to themselves once again.

In the midst of challenges, it’s difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It can feel like you’re destined for gloom all the days of your life. You become desperate not to feel how you feel. In that desperation, maybe self-destructive behaviors surface, or you shut yourself off from the world.

All the while, there is always someone who’s gone before you; someone who has made it to the other side of the unraveling and reconstructed their spirit. Maybe at some point, you seek someone like this.

Consider This

While you’re desperate to get out of the emotional hole you’re in, keep in mind that the best healing takes place in the quiet of your mind. I’ve recommended meditation many times over, and I’ve also expressed my love of the Insight Timer app to do so (previously I used Calm, but I find the Insight Timer much better for healing).

Anyone you seek to join you on your healing journey, who has your best interest at heart, will give you the tools and guidance you need to do the work. No one else can heal you but you. But, someone who knows healing, can sit with you and be a witness to your journey and the small wins you have each day – into becoming who you desire to be.

Why be carried on the healing journey when you can walk it? It’s in the walking where you’re able to sit with others in their healing.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

written with love by victoria




P.S. Like this? I share other juicy life stuff in my bi-weekly e-news. The next edition goes out on Tuesday, May 22nd. I’d love for you to join my personal growth posse. 😉 xx

About Victoria

Hi there! I'm Victoria: wife & mother of three with one pooch living in rural ND. I am a professional photographer turned writer, published author, and side-hustle entrepreneur. I firmly believe everything is "figureoutable," and if it doesn't challenge you - it doesn't change you.