Doing the Hard Thing

Even when you know something’s worth doing, it’s still sometimes hard to take action. Instead, procrastination and avoidance become the easier thing to do.

The beginning of a new year is a common time to come up with resolutions and ways you wish to improve yourself and/or your life. Most things we promise ourselves we’re going to commit to, fall to the waste side only after a few weeks.

The holiday break, although a nice time with family, got me out of the action mindset I was in before the break. And, it’s been quite difficult to get back into the swing of things since.

Do you ever feel like the snail in the image below? Crossing the road is challenging, if not even scary, however, you know that by doing so, good things await on the other side.doing the hard thing

I’ve been sitting on the side of the road the past few weeks, knowing I enjoy writing and blogging, but somewhat scared to even put my words from keystroke to screen lately.

Beating inaction with action.

Creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone really, experience self-doubt from time to time. I’ve fallen into the self-doubt trap and had been feeling stuck. Until today – deciding that action was going to be the only thing to get me moving.

It happens to all of us. We have a goal in mind, reason with ourselves as to why it’s good for us, but then come up with all kinds of ways and reasons to remain stuck. And, in my experience, fear is quite the motivator for action; however, inaction is, too.

Be the brave snail. Cast fear aside, face your challenges head-on, and get moving toward what you know is a good thing. No one ever says they have regret after trying.

written with love by victoria

About Victoria

Hi there! I'm Victoria: wife & mother of three with one pooch living in rural ND. I am a professional photographer turned writer, published author, and side-hustle entrepreneur. I firmly believe everything is "figureoutable," and if it doesn't challenge you - it doesn't change you.