complicated heart

It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated At an average rate of 80 times a minute, the (complex and complicated) heart beats about 115,000 times in one day or 42 million times in a year.…

present moment

Dwelling on the Future

Dwelling on the Future There are three camps of people: Those stuck in the past The fortunate who’ve managed to live in the present moment on the regular Those who…

helping vs enabling

Helping vs Enabling

Helping vs. Enabling There’s a lot of chatter these days in the arena of personal growth. It seems many have experienced some form of unraveling in their lives the past…

giving and receiving with grace

Giving and Receiving with Grace

Are you able to give with an open heart and receive with grace? Are you like me and do a better job of giving compliments rather than taking them? Do you…

Embracing Who We Are

Embracing Who We Are             Authenticity is a word that gets tossed around quite a bit. It’s especially common in the entrepreneur world. And nothing…

You Matter

You Matter

YOU MATTER. Yesterday, I had an experience that opened up a wound I thought had been healed. The fact is, grief never ever goes away.  It creeps up and grabs…

doing the hard thing

Doing the Hard Thing

Even when you know something’s worth doing, it’s still sometimes hard to take action. Instead, procrastination and avoidance become the easier thing to do. The beginning of a new year…

my heart to yours

A Different First Christmas

A Different First Christmas – from my heart to yours. Someone I know lost their father yesterday – somewhat unexpectedly. I found myself feeling quite sad for the family. We’re…

Keep Your Heart Open to Gratitude

 One never knows where the heart will lead, if only we are still long enough to listen to its beat. – Victoria Volk Yesterday, I had stopped in at one…

Faith Bigger than Fear

As of late, I’ve needed some reminding of this sentiment and thought, maybe you do, too. When the days get long (so, so long) and anxiety overwhelms you at times, it’s helpful…