
Hi, I’m Victoria. I’m so glad your messy heart found mine.

This website is a product of a personal-growth freight train that hit me like a ton of bricks in 2014. For a long time I called it a mid-life crisis; however, I like the author Brene Brown’s description so much more: an unraveling.

When you think you have everything figured out and realize you don’t, life has a funny way of proving it to you.

If what I share resonates with you, I welcome you with open arms and an open heart.

A little about me….

An entrepreneur at heart, I’ve been blogging and writing since 2009. However, my passion for writing started with a journal and poetry as an adolescent. Today, I bring life experience with grief, military service, marriage, parenthood, and entrepreneurship into my writing.

I’m passionate about personal growth, grief, and spirituality, and my writing has been featured on TheMogulMom.com. My other passion is writing all about grief and helping hurting hearts heal through Do Grief Differently™, a 12-week one-on-one grief support program where grievers are supported in working through two of their most devastating losses. Through this program, grievers receive grief education, learn new tools, and learn more about themselves through their YouMap.

I reside with my husband, three children,  and our pup Gizmo in rural ND. If you want more inspiration and resources, sign up for my mailing list from my main website, The Unleashed Heart, HERE. You can also follow me on Instagram (my favorite social network) @theunleashedheart.

Are you looking for grief support? Check out my main website, The Unleashed Heart, where I blog about all things grief and offer other services and products.

Some fun factoids:

  • INFP personality – “The Mediator.”
  • I love my mix of Teeccino & Coffee grounds for my morning brew. Teeccino helped me cut caffeine intake by half!
  • I was a medic in the ND Army National Guard and served in Iraq, as did my husband.
  • I’ve never had a pop or pizza for breakfast….ever.  I have no idea how people do that.
  • I can touch my tongue to my nose.
  •  I believe everything is “figureoutable.”
  • I once sold a Kirby vacuum cleaner.  True story.
  • Empathy = my greatest strength: Variety = a necessity for joy in my life.  I go with the flow and believe spontaneity is the spice of life!

A little about this website…

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I started this website as a way to openly share my heart with others, who, like me, are on a journey of self-discovery.  This website is an outlet for me to share resources, tools, and people who have inspired and helped me grow exponentially.  I hope that my perspective of the world and my experiences may help others in some way.

The name came to me as I was drifting off to sleep. Every life experience, every decision, every stop (and start) has led to this website. And the name? Well, I don’t believe it’s a coincidence.


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The content I share and write is for those who are searching for more out of their lives. They feel something is missing or feel stuck.  If you are wanting to make positive, lasting change, it starts with you, and I know from experience that just starting is overwhelming.  Sometimes, we need another perspective or be asked a different set of questions that provoke self-reflection and stimulate growth within ourselves. Hopefully, my words do that for you.


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My wish for you is that you leave my website with a positive, enlightened state of mind, and maybe with a different perspective. Moreover, I want people to feel inspired, uplifted and encouraged by my words and the resources I share.

Does making a lasting change take effort?  It sure does.  Will it happen just by reading what I write or share?  No.  My hope is, however, that you feel inspired and challenged to put what I share into practice;  to bring more joy to your life and the lives of those around you. Self-work is a daily practice; like a bloom needs continual nurturing.



If you’re interested in learning more about who and what contributed to my personal growth, check out my Resources page!  I only recommend people/programs/books/etc. that I have experience with or have personally helped me.