The Guided Heart: Moving Through Grief and Finding Spiritual SolaceIn this short, self-help grief book, I share my journey with grief and struggle with spirituality. Inside, you will learn ways to move through grief more positively, navigate the spiritual path while experiencing grief, and finally, discover ways to sustain a positive outlook beyond grief.

I invite you to be inspired and find hope, knowing you’re never alone in your grief and desire for inner peace. If you’re struggling right now or know someone who is, gift this to yourself or someone you care about.

Available in paperback and Kindle HERE.

Are you looking for grief support? This book is a great place to start. I also write all about grief and offer various holistic grief support programs, energy healing, and resources on my other site, The Unleashed Heart.

As someone who has walked with grief for over thirty years, I can tell you it never goes away. But, we can learn to adapt and live alongside it rather than allowing it to consume our lives, intrude on our relationships, and steal our joy. Hope after despair is possible. You need to know it’s possible. Allow me to show you the way.

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“Life is hard, challenging, messy, and far from a straight line. But there is beauty along the way, moving parallel with us as we travel through each day. I only wish I had stopped to appreciate all the beauty this life had to offer long ago – to feel it, and believe that emotional pain only lasts as long as we allow it to.

My message is this: it is never too late to start again. And again. And again, if you need to.

Begin by questioning your thoughts; slowly, you’ll peel away the layers. Only then can the real inner work begin.”

-Victoria Volk, The Guided Heart

Purchase The Guided Heart: Moving Through Grief and Finding Spiritual Solace